Monday, November 19, 2012

It begins as stories often do. In the beginning was the word and the word was death. RIP

"Our Independence must be had at all hazards. If the men of property will not support us they must Fall. We can Support Ourselves by the aid of that numerous and respectable class of the community the men of no property." Theobald Wolfe Tone 1763-1798 agus George Harold Formby 1798-2016

I went on line this morning and was made sick to my stomach by the images portraying the inglorious end of the lives of our children not yet begun. It matters not the geographical location nor the origination of their collective demise that should trouble the heart, mind and/or soul of every other being on this singular rock hurtling through time and space; we choose to call our Mother-Earth. What should bother us as a so-called self-proclaimed human species is that the images now exist but not so the infants thus immortalized in photographic imagery. today.

For too long now the state of Israel has played the holocaust-card to it's extreme advantage; prostituting itself as the beggar would devoid of all self-respect but in Israel’s case holding outstretched and bloodied palms for arms and ammunition rather than alms and sustenance of self-survival. Borne of British colonial and illegal partition of 1949 much as that experienced by us as a sovereign nation albeit of made disparate people's and further encroached upon the rightful lands of Palestine and its environ; to the point of internationally envisaged and condoned Genocide throughout Gaza, today.

However; all that 'nonsense' is now made history and becomes irrelevant in the minds of the good citizens of the first Republic of Ireland in 2012. No-one least of all my good-self wants to end up piled on a table bereft of life and dignity unto death. Unlike the thousands of Irish citizens, killed, injured, murdered, lost, imprisoned and still forgotten just 8 klics from my y-ours front doors in Dundalk Co. Louth Ireland over recent years; in the name of British Crown Forces combined with covert intelligence force and its version of an enforced Golden Dawn of Greek philosophy, today.

But I digress; no-one gives a shit about images of foreign dead children. No-one gives a shit about indigenous sexually raped children. No-one gives a shit our children now safely in the bloodied hands of state-care. After all is said and done these are not y-our children these children don't belong to anyone. These children are fair-game to be stolen, let adrift, used as bi-products for the international sex-industry that permeates every single strand of society; inclusive of and notwithstanding holier-than-thou so-called modern European 'Catholic Ireland'.

Ergo, what will you protest via face-book and/or the streets today? The decade delay of student-fees outside Peter Fitzpatrick’s office in town; albeit with buses 'laid-on' from Dkit to the town center for the privilege class of Mammies children ensconced there only by Euro borrowed-monies? Or perhaps 'get on the streets' to protest the living-conditions of some half-a-million unemployable citizens, their families of children; in the run-up to a penniless Christmas? How about the homeless dying on the wintered streets of any-town Ireland.plc now that's always a good one to bleat on about at this time of year.

But whatever you do don't re-post images of dead-children of Gaza it is not the sort of behaviour to get a 'like' and/or a tummy-tickle via the state; nor indeed stop a bullet in the head as you protest loudly at a UK border post this morning stating politely “Fuck-off back to Britannica”.

Now, is it? Comrades.

© Séafra Ó Ceallaigh 19 November 12:52pm

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