Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Alienation of the Singular Parent causation and effect on being found surplus to requirement

Alienation of the Singular Parent causation and effect on being found surplus to requirement

To even suggest there must be equable law to safeguard the human right of all parents rather as is the case in 21st century Ireland that one parent’s rights over the other exist would be heard at first hearing as wholly deserving on the part of the deemed miscreant former partner; and not simply a jurisprudence proposition in societal fiscal-acquisition.

Guilty as charged until proven innocent? Unfortunately the schematic to assuage such a fanciful notion that the state is against any and/or all notion that the equal right of a parent regardless of gender and/or marital-status be paramount; as lynch-pin of constitution in aspiring democratic Republic.

The family court is little more than a barbaric arena held in camera no witness of defense is allowed nor indeed required by the professional participants in this archaic ritual of post-traumatic break-down of all adult relationship and their garnering of fiscal enhancement; so enjoined in overt deceit?

Paid annually for in millions of borrowed Eurodollars on the whole I might add derived from state-coffer, by the state and for the state. A legalized plunder of wealth, status and exorbitant lifestyle thus afforded further allowed to the minority in society prepared to support the status-quo; ad-infinitum rather than the majority so-affected.

The alienated Father however does not ‘stand accused’ as one may witness in the myriad criminal courts that now abound in modern day Ireland. Indeed no. That would be too easy to contest and result in the right to a lawful defense under the constitution; a constitution sworn in life’s blood to vindicate the life, person, and good name and property rights of every citizen?


Articles 40 to 44 of the Irish Constitution provide for 'Fundamental Rights'.

Article 40 extract - Personal rights

•Equality before the law

•Vindicate the life, person, and good name and property rights of every citizen

•Express freely convictions and opinions
•Form associations and unions

But unfortunately the following anomaly only exists for children where their parents are of state-church approved marital status.

3. 1° The State pledges itself to guard with special care the institution of Marriage, on which the Family is founded, and to protect it against attack. 

2° A Court designated by law may grant a dissolution of marriage where, but only where, it is satisfied that  

i. At the date of the institution of the proceedings, the spouses have lived apart from one another for a period of, or periods amounting to, at least four years during the five years, 

ii. There is no reasonable prospect of reconciliation between the spouses, 

iii. such provision as the Court considers proper having regard to the circumstances exists or will be made for the spouses, any children of either or both of them and any other person prescribed by law, and 

iv. Any further conditions prescribed by law are complied with.

Ergo the alienated single-Father stands alone. Any attempt to address the court is summarily dismissed at best practice or at worst are accused of offering up the promulgation of political doctrine; aimed solely to the detriment of attendant judiciary and the imminent downfall of the state. The Alienated Father not simply perceived as a singular lone figure bewildered by ceremony of state in their hitherto private life. The Alienated Father accused without any terms of redress to a contrary state of affairs often mere hours before their perceived commitment of offence during relationship breakdown is then fired into the public domain; most often without notice of forewarning.

The Fundamental Right of Liberty go’s straight out the window. Despite there being no openly perceived criminality on the part of the miscreant-partner they are at the very outset of proceedings warned that to infringe upon the declared outcome of this familial ‘trial’ will result in pecuniary disadvantage and subsequent state-imprisonment of up to one year of detention.

This all before any request by the court for ‘social’ reportage albeit by practitioners of Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)  whose only qualifications I can ascertain are in hypnotism, sports injury further afforded by a 12 week night-course at Newry College of Further Education in familial mediation. NLP underlying the 'local' practioners 'qualifications' I may add  accredited of one Richard Bandler and a John Grinder NLP created by them in California, USA in the 1970's. The balance of scientific evidence however reveals NLP to be a largely discredited albeit lucrative pseudoscience.

ii. There is no reasonable prospect of reconciliation between the spouses, 

iii. such provision as the Court considers proper having regard to the circumstances exists or will be made for the spouses, any children of either or both of them and any other person prescribed by law, and

iv. Any further conditions prescribed by law are complied with.

The above quote serves only to reinforce the inequality now set before familial-law. To disagree with that contention is to affirm that the ‘single-Father’ is justifiably denied their fundamental human right reinforced by societal decree. Denied as an equable parent from inception of that child’s life, of joint upbringing, of educational, spiritual and love of that life. To be now found as wholly criminal in intent without benefit of equable familial-law, lack of redress when proven innocent and censored with fine and/or state imprisonment. Ego vindicates the life, person, and good name and property rights of every citizen except that of the unmarried, single ex-partner; outside state-church preferred marriage-service and/or regardless of societal wish for sanctioned equable parental-relationship.

© The Misery Industry by Séafra Ó Ceallaigh agus Conor Dignam 2013


Promoting & Protecting Human Rights in Ireland