Thursday, November 29, 2012

On Why? alternative-media is worse than state-media because with few exceptions IT is Shite

In the new golden age of digital-enlightenment the quest for knowledge and/or a truth continues on much like the Star-ship enterprise replete with Klingon postiche that can end only in your reality beyond the Stars? And/or below ground zero. Energy that exists throughout all your lifetime's once self-activated that is and not as is presupposed released by the arrival of complex Messiah's of legends told; now long passed into childhood-histories.

I listen. I observe. I say often to the adjacent-wall albeit with tackiness in flux “fuck! me are these people brain-dead or what?” whilst surfing the latest state-alternative mass-medium radio-broadcast. The wall prefers no-comment in this equation but in tandem with the ceiling which I am allegedly often to be found dancing upon both look at me with disdain. But no bother you get used to an empty room when you are as insane as I am.

Can we? Could we? Would we? Then can I? Could I? Would I? Then can you! Could you! Would you! Hammers and/or nails thus fly hither agus thither in the true and uncertain hope that this one is the big one. Climbing down from my divine designer hand-made blood-stained wooden-iron inverted-cross which coincidentally cost me far in excess of thirteen in number pieces of sterling-silver and/or a shilling via the King. Thereupon; I now call upon my humanoid-Munchkins to let me explain further the mysteries of the alphabet.

The singular word communication becomes lost in translation as does the colloquial word of *fart when applied in conversation and/or action particularly so in public areas. The singular word of comment on the other hand will unleash a veritable flood gate of mindless greeting to one another; totally at odds with the broadcast intention of empowering their 'listener-ship'?

The answer to this half-remarkable question of what I hear most vocally expressed is the desire for an alternative communication that can be accessed by them to be held in 'proper' contention of state-proliferation of propaganda at a cost of zillions; allied with political-fiscal-religious-personality covert-agenda and that is the relatively inexpensive method of internet.

So what is it then that I am listening to? I ask myself. Is it not alternative-media as they so fervently desire already set before them. Can we? Could we? Would we? Conjoined phrases so often expressed within the realm of political schoolyards when a child and yet still promulgate of their supposed maturity into adult citizenship.

Fastrack: Citizens Arise? You now hold the creative expertise, the technological means, the virtual World @ your finger-tips. What more of need is required. Ergo. Listen* thereby Communicate*

Alternatively await the second-coming. Crucifixion to the right. Next?

Legend ***

*com·mu·ni·cate (k-myn-kt)

v. com·mu·ni·cat·ed, com·mu·ni·cat·ing, com·mu·ni·cates

1. a. To convey information about; make known; impart: communicated his views to our office.

b. To reveal clearly; manifest: Her disapproval communicated itself in her frown.

2. To spread (a disease, for example) to others; transmit: a carrier who communicated typhus.


1. To have an interchange, as of ideas.

2. To express oneself in such a way that one is readily and clearly understood: "That ability to communicate was strange in a man given to long, awkward silences" (Anthony Lewis).

3. Ecclesiastical To receive Communion.

4. To be connected, one with another: apartments that communicate.

[Latin commnicre, commnict-, from commnis, common; see mei-1 in Indo-European roots.]

*lis·ten (lsn)

intr.v. lis·tened, lis·ten·ing, lis·tens

1. To make an effort to hear something: listen to the radio; listening for the bell.

2. To pay attention; heed: "She encouraged me to listen carefully to what country people called mother wit" (Maya Angelou).

n. An act of listening: Would you like to give the CD a listen before buying it?

Phrasal Verb: listen in

1. To listen to a conversation between others; eavesdrop.

2. To tune in and listen to a broadcast.

[Middle English listenen, alteration (influenced by listen, to list, listen; see list4) of Old English hlysnan; see kleu- in Indo-European roots.]

listen·er n.

*fart (färt) Vulgar Slang

intr.v. fart·ed, fart·ing, farts

To expel intestinal gas through the anus; break wind.


1. An often audible discharge of intestinal gas.

2. An annoying or foolish person.

Phrasal Verb: fart around To fool around; fritter time away.

[Middle English farten, from Old English *feortan; see perd- in Indo-European roots.]

© Séafra Ó Ceallaigh 29 November 2012


Saturday, November 24, 2012

In the beginning was the word and the word was Alienation

In the beginning was the word and the word was Alienation

''Parental Alienation is defined as the deliberate attempt by one parent to distance his/her children from the other parent. A parent who has been alienated from his/her child will continue to pursue a relationship with the child. The parent will attempt to communicate on a regular basis, will send emails and cards. The same parent will use the court system to fight the alienating parent and retain their legal rights to a relationship with their child. The alienated parent is not a parent who gives up or gives in.'

In contemporary society when the concept of personal relationship fails in opposition to the two partners involved; it becomes bankrupt as any fiscal-business one cares to name devoid of all positive emotion and/or singular regret. However; it no longer being a joint venture the warring factions eventually disengage and as the animal crawl away into familial comfort, their continued interference and self-justification of event thus exposed. The belligerent generally foreswore in all innocence their testament to basically anyone that will listen that they did all they could to maintain the relationship to a point beyond even that of human endurance.

The injured party will attest no more to the adage “Whatever happens between you and me. I will never stop you seeing the children.” The reverse of this lackluster sentiment becomes immediately apparent soon as one finds ones arse landed on the stone cold streets outside your once harmonious rural, urban and/or city conurbation. The law does not apply in such circumstance. The deliberate expulsion of one partner over another simply depends on gender. The first to enact, most likely a female, a personalized summary-eviction from the home is the one that gets to stay and to get away with this anomaly of human-kind. All one has to say to obtain support for ones action is that you are now made afraid by your actions against the person you just lobbed out on to the wintery streets.

It is as though a failed personal relationship rests easier in the mind of society to be publicly put forward as a criminal offence in itself. When interpersonal communication is lost the process further inhibited by inequitable law and human-right of the alienated parent to continue on fully involved with the lives of their children; as they have done equally so since the day the children were born is lost. The belligerent carry on their life as though nothing has changed and continue on self-assured that the expelled parent will eventually 'go-away' as in a magic-trick; or perhaps die from some unimaginable disease you would not wish upon your former mother-in-law?

The Alienated parent spends their waking hours devising ways with which to communicate their undying love to their children. Devising ways that are always rejected by the belligerent parent be they a simple 13th and/or 16th birthday card marked return to sender and/or a notice on face-book in a sad yet Soulful attempt at 'reaching-out' across the great digital-divide. The list of rejections is endless to fastrak simply imagine your own course of action if and when you are found in similar circumstance.

The Alienated parent will traverse the town-scape in the vain and uncertain hope they may catch a glimpse of their offspring albeit at a distance; so as not to further 'outrage' the belligerent parent. They may sit on a bench for hours and not even in the right place nor at the right time because of the ensuing bully-boy tactics of the local garda; when it be reported by a 'third-party' you are sat 'illegally' on a public-bench watching your life go down the proverbial toilet or simply walking down the street.

The Alienated parent will endure all that is aimed at them even to the point of imprisonment to demonstrate to the world at large their unique love for their children. There can be no justice in the family-court because of its inequity. How can justice be seen to be done in-camera law when there is no law to protect the constitutional and human rights of the unmarried parent in society; regardless of gender and/or origination of apportioned blame at the initial downfall.

The Alienated parent will continually ask the question “What I have I done wrong?” and often wonder who it is that is 'actually' being abused by this unresolved attempt by the belligerent parent to alienate the other poor sop who fell for it all; including the machinations of state-judiciary. Conversely the belligerent parent need say nothing other than words in the negative without recourse as to meaning to affect complete alienation of the other. Ergo in the eyes of vested familial third-party interest and/or so-called family law, mediation service will prove a complete lack of resolve in the 'best interests of the child'. And furthermore as it so often turns out to be in reality resolved only in the 'best interests of the belligerent parent' resulting in complete and total alienation of the other.

The belligerent parent does not 'move-on' they remain stagnant, silent, cowered, hidden in replication of event “They did this that and the other to me” “They frighten me” They are aggressive” They are violent” They are abusive” They hate the family cat” therefore I wised-up and threw my partner out. And somehow along the way the children agreed with me that it was the 'best course of action' in my circumstance.

The belligerent parent need not prove anything at all simply state the 'facts' in spoken, written and/or in unspoken body-language terms; all is alleged, all is made vulnerable in interpretation, all is assumed to be a true and sworn accurate account of unproven event. A tear here, a tremble there and Bob's your uncle all is done and dusted; the silenced subsequently cannot speak; cancerous voice-box or no.

The belligerent parent maintains their requirement to continue on the necessity of public support and justification of their privatized 'winter of discontent' devised solely to afford social acceptance of the original action of summary expulsion from an alleged former happy family-home of the now alienated parent; made wholly surplus to that requirement.

The Alienated parent is remained with just the one option. An inviolable option. The continuing love of their children. A love never faltered. A love freely offered since conception. A love proven innate. A love not for the bargaining within the realm of state-judiciary, personalized antipathy and the process of letting go of failed adult-relationship. Adult relationship more normally based upon fiscal-transaction, social-standing, vainglory, egocentricity, emotional-blackmail, learnt-behaviours passed down by generational fuck-ups of the 'previous' parental-kind.

When I was a kid I said. “ We all know what Dad did Ma' but what did you do?”

more to follow 'The alienated parent is not a parent who gives up or gives in.'

© The Misery Industry 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Do solo Mammona cogitant, quorum Deus est sacculus

In the beginning was the word and the word was jurisprudence ~ Do solo Mammona cogitant, quorum Deus est sacculus

In contemporary society those enabled with judicial power over the individual live out their one existence embroiled in fiscal acquisition therefore luxury lifestyle that one may more easily attest to when found the good citizen wholly resident of Fairyland. Jurisprudence on the other hand fails miserably when that vague concept of justice is visually required by the people to be of paramount importance to the successful conclusion of right over wrong; post-event by all members of that society. Particularly so in any or all democratic decision making process in search of a truth but not confined solely to that singular auspices required in law but to all dealings in matters of state government on behalf of its citizenry.

Today I was offered a deal. As many of you well know I don't deal. I do not serve the Laws of Mammon. I do not succumb to the highest-bidder regardless of origination. Conversely as is more probable in the finality of a terminally ill cancer patient such as myself. When you ain't got nothing. You ain't got nothing to lose ergo only dignity. I will not go into the details of the proffered deal suffice to say not one of my accusers were arsed to turn up at the courthouse for a second time. The most probable reason being that they were earlier misinformed that I would accept an offer from the state to plead erroneously in guilt thus eliminating all requirement by that state to prove beyond all reasonable doubt; that I am in-fact to be found innocent not simply on a basis of morality but under the considered protection of lawful legislation of the Criminal Law (Defence and the Dwelling) Act 2011.

Inasmuch "The Act allows for the use of such force as is reasonable in the circumstances, to protect people in the dwelling from assault, to protect property, to prevent the commission of a crime, or to make a lawful arrest. The Act also extends the protections it contains to the curtilage of the dwelling, it explicitly provides that a person is not under an obligation to retreat from their home when subject to an intrusion in their home and provides that a person who uses reasonable force, as provided for in the Act, cannot be sued for damages by a burglar and will not be guilty of an offence."

One might suppose in all naivety one may see ones accusers stood before them in open court for all the world to witness such anomaly in search of a truth. Opinion is insufficient as is collaboration and/or the subsequent altering of ones statement of sworn evidence brought before the court as truthful evidence to affirm guilt. The accusers in this equation have been summarily assumed correct without any lawful examination or investigation of their written verbalized statements. The adage “Innocent until proven guilty” equally does not apply. I as the accused is automatically without reservation deemed to be the belligerent in this covert discourse of dealership.

Plead guilty and the state will be relieved at the very least from its fiscal burden to stand in defense of a truth embodied in written constitution and replicate in judicial civil and criminal laws laid down in soulful protection of all the peoples of this one unique Republic of Ireland. I walked away from the courthouse in the company of friends. Had lunch in 23 Seats connected back into the realities via Soup and Soulful conversation. I looked across the emptied street the glass and steel recalled the morning affair. A dead building devoid of energy. Peopled only by ghosts and shadow-mongers done with barter and dealings. They set about the inner-workings of the machine. Oil on cog with which to grind exceedingly small at the morrows toil and wholly confirmed the existence of and the further exposure of The Misery Industry© Jeffrey Kelly agus Conor Dignam

Thus empowered I then realized the notion that I had in fact not only won the day. Furthermore; the ensuing outfought battle but had in reality won this War of Attrition by state against my sovereign person to obtain my enduring Silence and of those others in the restoration of peace within both physical and Spiritual worlds.

“I stand alone at the cross-roads dependent of no-one. We each must choose our one path. There is only one Road. There is only one direction home beyond the Stars. Beyond the Sun. Beyond the Moon. Beyond the Skies. Beyond the Fears. Beyond the Tears. Beyond the Years. That belong only to you through collaboration once begun in death. Advent in celebration of the life now expectant.”
© The Misery Industry Jeffrey Kelly agus Conor Dignam 2012
©Séafra Ó Ceallaigh November 21st2012

Monday, November 19, 2012

It begins as stories often do. In the beginning was the word and the word was death. RIP

"Our Independence must be had at all hazards. If the men of property will not support us they must Fall. We can Support Ourselves by the aid of that numerous and respectable class of the community the men of no property." Theobald Wolfe Tone 1763-1798 agus George Harold Formby 1798-2016

I went on line this morning and was made sick to my stomach by the images portraying the inglorious end of the lives of our children not yet begun. It matters not the geographical location nor the origination of their collective demise that should trouble the heart, mind and/or soul of every other being on this singular rock hurtling through time and space; we choose to call our Mother-Earth. What should bother us as a so-called self-proclaimed human species is that the images now exist but not so the infants thus immortalized in photographic imagery. today.

For too long now the state of Israel has played the holocaust-card to it's extreme advantage; prostituting itself as the beggar would devoid of all self-respect but in Israel’s case holding outstretched and bloodied palms for arms and ammunition rather than alms and sustenance of self-survival. Borne of British colonial and illegal partition of 1949 much as that experienced by us as a sovereign nation albeit of made disparate people's and further encroached upon the rightful lands of Palestine and its environ; to the point of internationally envisaged and condoned Genocide throughout Gaza, today.

However; all that 'nonsense' is now made history and becomes irrelevant in the minds of the good citizens of the first Republic of Ireland in 2012. No-one least of all my good-self wants to end up piled on a table bereft of life and dignity unto death. Unlike the thousands of Irish citizens, killed, injured, murdered, lost, imprisoned and still forgotten just 8 klics from my y-ours front doors in Dundalk Co. Louth Ireland over recent years; in the name of British Crown Forces combined with covert intelligence force and its version of an enforced Golden Dawn of Greek philosophy, today.

But I digress; no-one gives a shit about images of foreign dead children. No-one gives a shit about indigenous sexually raped children. No-one gives a shit our children now safely in the bloodied hands of state-care. After all is said and done these are not y-our children these children don't belong to anyone. These children are fair-game to be stolen, let adrift, used as bi-products for the international sex-industry that permeates every single strand of society; inclusive of and notwithstanding holier-than-thou so-called modern European 'Catholic Ireland'.

Ergo, what will you protest via face-book and/or the streets today? The decade delay of student-fees outside Peter Fitzpatrick’s office in town; albeit with buses 'laid-on' from Dkit to the town center for the privilege class of Mammies children ensconced there only by Euro borrowed-monies? Or perhaps 'get on the streets' to protest the living-conditions of some half-a-million unemployable citizens, their families of children; in the run-up to a penniless Christmas? How about the homeless dying on the wintered streets of any-town Ireland.plc now that's always a good one to bleat on about at this time of year.

But whatever you do don't re-post images of dead-children of Gaza it is not the sort of behaviour to get a 'like' and/or a tummy-tickle via the state; nor indeed stop a bullet in the head as you protest loudly at a UK border post this morning stating politely “Fuck-off back to Britannica”.

Now, is it? Comrades.

© Séafra Ó Ceallaigh 19 November 12:52pm