In the new golden age of digital-enlightenment the quest for knowledge and/or a truth continues on much like the Star-ship enterprise replete with Klingon postiche that can end only in your reality beyond the Stars? And/or below ground zero. Energy that exists throughout all your lifetime's once self-activated that is and not as is presupposed released by the arrival of complex Messiah's of legends told; now long passed into childhood-histories.
I listen. I observe. I say often to the adjacent-wall albeit with tackiness in flux “fuck! me are these people brain-dead or what?” whilst surfing the latest state-alternative mass-medium radio-broadcast. The wall prefers no-comment in this equation but in tandem with the ceiling which I am allegedly often to be found dancing upon both look at me with disdain. But no bother you get used to an empty room when you are as insane as I am.
Can we? Could we? Would we? Then can I? Could I? Would I? Then can you! Could you! Would you! Hammers and/or nails thus fly hither agus thither in the true and uncertain hope that this one is the big one. Climbing down from my divine designer hand-made blood-stained wooden-iron inverted-cross which coincidentally cost me far in excess of thirteen in number pieces of sterling-silver and/or a shilling via the King. Thereupon; I now call upon my humanoid-Munchkins to let me explain further the mysteries of the alphabet.
The singular word communication becomes lost in translation as does the colloquial word of *fart when applied in conversation and/or action particularly so in public areas. The singular word of comment on the other hand will unleash a veritable flood gate of mindless greeting to one another; totally at odds with the broadcast intention of empowering their 'listener-ship'?
The answer to this half-remarkable question of what I hear most vocally expressed is the desire for an alternative communication that can be accessed by them to be held in 'proper' contention of state-proliferation of propaganda at a cost of zillions; allied with political-fiscal-religious-personality covert-agenda and that is the relatively inexpensive method of internet.
So what is it then that I am listening to? I ask myself. Is it not alternative-media as they so fervently desire already set before them. Can we? Could we? Would we? Conjoined phrases so often expressed within the realm of political schoolyards when a child and yet still promulgate of their supposed maturity into adult citizenship.
Fastrack: Citizens Arise? You now hold the creative expertise, the technological means, the virtual World @ your finger-tips. What more of need is required. Ergo. Listen* thereby Communicate*
Alternatively await the second-coming. Crucifixion to the right. Next?
Legend ***
*com·mu·ni·cate (k-myn-kt)
v. com·mu·ni·cat·ed, com·mu·ni·cat·ing, com·mu·ni·cates
1. a. To convey information about; make known; impart: communicated his views to our office.
b. To reveal clearly; manifest: Her disapproval communicated itself in her frown.
2. To spread (a disease, for example) to others; transmit: a carrier who communicated typhus.
1. To have an interchange, as of ideas.
2. To express oneself in such a way that one is readily and clearly understood: "That ability to communicate was strange in a man given to long, awkward silences" (Anthony Lewis).
3. Ecclesiastical To receive Communion.
4. To be connected, one with another: apartments that communicate.
[Latin commnicre, commnict-, from commnis, common; see mei-1 in Indo-European roots.]
*lis·ten (lsn)
intr.v. lis·tened, lis·ten·ing, lis·tens
1. To make an effort to hear something: listen to the radio; listening for the bell.
2. To pay attention; heed: "She encouraged me to listen carefully to what country people called mother wit" (Maya Angelou).
n. An act of listening: Would you like to give the CD a listen before buying it?
Phrasal Verb: listen in
1. To listen to a conversation between others; eavesdrop.
2. To tune in and listen to a broadcast.
[Middle English listenen, alteration (influenced by listen, to list, listen; see list4) of Old English hlysnan; see kleu- in Indo-European roots.]
listen·er n.
*fart (färt) Vulgar Slang
intr.v. fart·ed, fart·ing, farts
To expel intestinal gas through the anus; break wind.
1. An often audible discharge of intestinal gas.
2. An annoying or foolish person.
Phrasal Verb: fart around To fool around; fritter time away.
[Middle English farten, from Old English *feortan; see perd- in Indo-European roots.]
Séafra Ó Ceallaigh 29 November 2012