An observation on life
There are two worlds we inhabit on a daily basis; there is the world of make-believe and conversely the world of make-believe. Reality cannot exist because there is no reality; all one has is an electronic archive of imagery all stacked-up in what our species term the human brain. Dependent only upon the individual's ability to withdraw from this cranial archive of embedded pixels will your acceptance of this anomaly be proven. When I was a child I was often asked the question as many of our off-spring still is by totally unconcerned adults of the species "And what do you want to be when you grow-up, little chap?" I would reply thus; "Me, now, fuck-off."
I was never sure which one of the four words had caused the subsequent consternation within the then made hostile and uncontrollable synapse of the myriad so-called, adult significant others polluting my fledgling, existence nor does it matter even to this day. I was and still am content at making my own realities sat on the kerb-edge sculpting my world of road-tar figurines to worry about the happenings beyond a junction between two nerve cells of an adult significant other. A junction between two nerve cells where the club-shaped tip of a nerve fibre almost touches another cell in order to transmit signals; a signal in this instance which informed the receiver basically to fuck-off and mind their own worldly business and not pollute mine with their delusion of grandeur of state approved imagery.
Furthermore; whatever it was that 'I' wanted to be was considered an irrelevancy before I uttered the first eager syllable; "Shut-up, boy! We all know what you want to be!" said the significant, other. It was true; I didn't want to grow-up and slavishly drive people around in an Omnibus be it scarlet-painted, forty-seven horse-powered and/or otherwise. Neither did I want to grow-up and rescue people from conflagrations or accidents of their own making. Nor go around killing people for and on behalf of the state all dressed-up in military-style suits of clothing unlike the majority of my contemporary school-chums.
Regardless life moves on and not unlike the author C.S. Lewis who said; "When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
I was asked a question this morning which prompted this observation on my life to tumble out of my brain this evening albeit onto electronic paper, unlike Mr Lewis; and pass on the result to you who now read, it.
"Mr Kelly" said the young enthusiastic governmental official examining yet again my on-going application for disability allowance. "I see that you will be aged 62 next month there are plenty of courses available for someone in your condition to retrain, you know. I replied that I did not."In fact these days" he continued; "you can retrain to be anything you want to be and without affecting your state allowance. Now, tell me, Jeffrey what would you like to be at age 62?
I replied thus; "Me, now, fuck-off."
©Séafra Ó Ceallaigh 2011
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