Friday, January 18, 2013

The Stranger from Next Door

The Stranger from Next Door

Stranger from a distant shore found alien to his cause. We spoke at length you and me of times long since passed left shrouded by memory and its mournful loss. I know not of the matters in others hands you so erudite explain. The walk thus continued round and about. Day clashed as night fell among the Stars to reveal naught but the rising of yet one more frondescent Moon.

The greeting was wholesome. Genuine, unfettered no burden of the words that were not of your origination provoked my Soul. The hunger thus sated in excise-hall echoed from tribal tongue of highland lass betrayed your solitude of mirth. Grape of vine and leaf of Plant combined to expurgate the distant tone of battles yet unsought. The demon left within concluded your debauchery and altercation devoid of joyous sin.

We sat for a while along the way. Drank coffee but did not smoke cigarettes nor decaffeinated leaf. Safe from the thought of dying and its construct laboured breathing unto death. It was a Saturday night I recall. Youth blossomed abroad upon the neon-lit streets. Long of leg and short of skirt mindful always of its effect. Conversation passed time warped the warm hearth ablaze we stood to demand our rightful ingress.

To the east lay Babylon to the west Connaught to the north lay Hell and to the south lay our indifference of things already of the past. I stood as he did at the top of the stairwell. I turned to the abyss and threaded silk scarf through hook and plaster. I wore the scarf in triumphant will of matters over his mind; and wondered of the fall of Rome.

On mornings light we bade farewell. The rain fell lightly on this holy ground. The Sun rose and the Sun set before the body was discovered next door and dispatched to the morgue oblivious to the presence of a stranger nearby once traveled from distant shore.

© Séafra Ó Ceallaigh 2013


Monday, January 7, 2013

Horse-shite as fiscal-commodity NLP and/or will the real George Harold Formby please stand up?

Note: The following missive is not intended as a slight against the horse, the breeders of horses nor indeed gun-slingers who on occasion ride horses robbing banks in Hollywood; many of such dissident-ilk I put pride of place in my facebook profile list of real-time agus elektronik-friend[s].  

Assumption it is said. Is the Mother of all Fuck ups ergo “We assume therefore. We are not.” Many of you who 'say' they are my friends on 'facebook' are really not my friends in any real sense of the word friendship. George Harold Formby does not in-fact exist neither does 'Jeffrey Kelly' although everyone assumes that 'they do' simply because it is 'written' in electronic stone and that imagery set in front of thine very own eyes doth prove 'beyond all reasonable doubt' that they do in 'actuality' exist when 'perceived' by you as a willing member of that 'in the main' uninvited audience; i.e. you who now read these words on 'my' facebook profile?

The majority of facebook ‘social-networkers’ are present by association. If one is perceived by others to be in association with a 'Jeffrey Kelly' that noted overt dissident of 'Gun-dalk' town it follows that “One associates therefore one is” and everyone will look up to 'one' without 'one' having to do so much as 'piss into the wind' to get ones own back; on society or 'whatever' said with popularized *fey accent which thus far in each of ones highly insignificant boring life has stunted ones own developmental issues of self-empowerment; enabling one at the very least not to go 'have a pint'. Albeit without first pleading, begging, cajoling ones wife, partner for permission to do so on a Saturday night? *behaving or talking in very unusual, uninhibited ways that suggest possible psychiatric disorder

Therefore; we the People must not agree with a George Harold Formby! Why? Because he and his fancy ideas of reality, freedom, self-empowerment, truth, justice, equable human-rights and failure to ‘Keep his gob shut!’ etc. etc. on just about every issue known to the Humanoid throughout the Planet you chose to call ‘Mother Earth’ is by ‘association’ a fucking big No-No! I shit you not, Earthlings.  

But I digress; this tale of the Pilgrim is not about you. It is about me? It is more specifically about third-party perceptions of who it is 'I am supposed to be' in the real-time. How can anyone know me when even I do not know?

Take for example a pile of horse-shite emanate of Equus ferus caballus. No matter how hard one shovels. The pile of horse-shite remains high upon this holier-than-thou ground we inhabit during those transient four score years plus ten. It doesn’t get any better especially for the horse either. It won’t get any better. It can’t get any better. Life as they used to ascribe to in the 1960’s ‘Is shite and then you die.’ The answer of course lays in the soil. Whack a few Roses in the flower-bed of life with copious amounts of eco-crap and you end up with at least a tuneful promise of a rose-garden like no other before and/or since.

The promise of horse-shite regardless of its one obvious limitation is boundless it is not something one can after all is said and done eat unless one is French then all one has to do is bypass the shite covering the European landscape and fire the tasty-fucker into the nearest stereotypical ‘frog’ type cooking-pot and Pierre is your uncle?

Horse-shite evolves quite naturally throughout contemporary society if left well alone to promulgate. This evolution takes on many forms and guises to fool the unwary citizen during its initial incubation growth and subsequent development into maturity. You may innocently ask a child what it is they want to be when they grow up. Normal-kids will reply “I want to be myself” - “I want to be a Lunatic” - “I want to be an Artist” - “I want to be a Clown”.  Odd-kids borne of horse-shite aka Dobbin over there will however respond with “I want to be like the politician that likes my father” - “I want to be like the Priest who likes my brother” - “I want to be corrupt like Daddy who doesn’t like anyone.” And so-on and so-forth until you get the picture.

In conclusion: Any passing sanitation engineer will attest to the following truism “Horse-shite like Cows-cream will always float to the top of your breakfast bowl” A final word of caution Comrades. We are dealing with forces not only beyond our band-width of innate-intelligence but we are faced with the most god-almighty stench of state-church-societal corruption in the whole of the known World the Universe and Everything! Ergo we must fart much louder and be far more proud to do so in 2013.

© Séafra Ó Ceallaigh 2013

Addendum: The above literary style of writing is not original i.e. the use of the whole of the alphabet + vowels is due to many influences since my skill @ joined-up writing became apparent in circa. 1958.

But is mainly to the erudite, succinct and entirely to their point of influence of the literary genius behind See Change Coaching Practice Dundalk those high quality Family Mediation and Family Services  that are Neuro-linguistic programming *NLP Master Practitioners (Certified by Dr. Richard Bandler) with backgrounds in Sport and Social Care respectively. Thus qualified and in the employ of the Family-court in Dundalk who on occasion write reports for the courts on whether or not one is deemed fit to participate in the life of ones children. Simply because ones former-partner says so without one shred of legal evidence to the contrary. Despite the scenario known similarly to myriad Dads in abject-misery as with my case having spent the previous 13 agus 16 years ensuring the utmost care, love, safety and responsibility toward the positive, physical, mental agus spiritual upbringing; and happy productive and creatively constructive lives to my daughters.

*Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a discredited approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California, USA in the 1970s. The title asserts a connection between the neurological processes (‘neuro’), language ("linguistic"), and behavioural patterns learned through experience (‘programming’) that proponents speculate can be changed to achieve specific goals in life.