Tuesday, December 25, 2012


In September 2011 my Children were stolen from me whilst I lay disadvantaged then as now Terminally-ill with Throat-Cancer. The Oncology Social Worker Department at the Beaumont Hospital albeit unknowingly alongside the aegis of Family Court in Dundalk colluded in this singular familial deception. Thus resultant in my being furnished an arbitrary barring order from my family home the day of my discharge onto the streets of Dublin for a period of two years. Eviction more precisely to the bus-stop outside the hospital with no access to cash money; as my 'joint' bank accounts had been emptied the previous evening by persons known and/or unknown. This soulless discharge from so-called Health Executive Service HSE care via the Oncology Department at the Beaumont Hospital was commissioned and put into effect solely by mere unsubstantiated gossip, hearsay and slanderous accusation ergo without one shred of evidence being forwarded by the appellate nor asked of me to the contrary and/or any reputable referee on my behalf.

It is now my intention to bring the matter into the Peoples forum for adjudication by the People not simply on my own behalf but also for that of lawful provision of benefit to the People and its constitution. Inclusive of and notwithstanding those myriad other alienated parents so affected by the iniquities of gendered state judiciary and its innate bias toward the male partner in personal adult relationship breakdown in this or any matriarchal power based society. Particularly one so embroiled as is the Republic of Ireland long governed by dogmatic foreign religiosity that in essence perceives the female of the species as alien and our children long before conception as commodity. At one revered mother figure immediately at odds with that religion through its educational stranglehold on the male spousal counterpart thus sanctified and further endorsed by such ingrates infected; as inexpensive street whore.

Today it is Christmas Day 2012. I sit alone at the table of celebratory feast of Jesus born without child. I like he ostracized by the very society that willingly condemned his body to suffer the indignity of crucifixion and ultimate corporeal death. A revolutionary mind alien in concept still to the majority of good roman citizens. A Jew who authored the bible with which you now thump your craw in times of fiscal famine; the search of its truth long since abandoned to the vagarious of your survival. Survival above that of all other species long bartered as human slave and fodder in sure and uncertain hope of your resurrection long since past into time and pointless histories.

It matters not the consequence of my nor your action only that of inaction. The People now gather in the Halls of Mochta. A new golden age of enlightenment is upon us. The dawn of Republic is no longer virtual, a fragile concept, an aberration of dissent it will soon defeat and then make whole the Peoples sovereign Republic; that defeat now ensconced firmly in penultimate conclusion. As is the long awaited homecoming of all my children.

© Séafra Ó Ceallaigh December 25th 2012

Dads Justice International

© Beyond Monastic musings in Mochta's halls ~ In paradisum deducant te Angeli

Friday, December 14, 2012



‘To modify behavior, good behavior must be reinforced and poor behavior must be punished. The fundamentals of behavior modification can be used to increase desired behaviors in any individual, regardless of functional level. For example, an individual who wants to quit smoking cigarettes, or a parent who wants her child to consistently make the bed, may use behavioral techniques to help achieve those goals.’


The 10 stages of applying for custody guardianship access through the family in-camera judicial system.

First you will stand alone in court wholly ignored.
Second you will be told to sit down and to keep quite.
Third muttering will be heard then an adjournment will be announced.
Fourth a local ‘social workers’ report is ordered re: your suitability as an ex-partner. Not as you will ‘think’ your suitability as an equal parent.
Fifth you will be ordered to come back in three months and attend an anger management course for your own good.
Sixth you will attend the ‘local’ court-approved* Neuro-Linguistic Programming Hypnotist.
Seven you will receive a tummy-tickle for good behaviour and not be given a reach around for bad behaviour.
Eight your so-called psychological report will be read out in court three months later.
Nine everyone will burst out sniggering oblivious you will listen intently to this quasi-psychological jargon all the while observing the ‘what did I tell you look’ on your X’s face.
Ten you will be told to come back in three months.    

See Change Practice* Coaching versus Counseling

Counseling pays a lot of attention to a perceived ‘problem’ in a person’s life and focuses on the effect of the past on the present – on the event which has caused you to feel the way you do about yourself and life at present and about resolving your feelings with the tragedy or trauma. Coaching differs from counseling in that the focus is more on finding solutions, the here and now and on the future rather than dwelling on the past. Because of this goals and behavioural patterns tend to come more under the spotlight. Also, in coaching there is a more equal balance of power between the coach and their client than would appear usual in a patient/therapist relationship.

Many coaches, including ourselves use NLP to assist their clients make the changes they desire. Neuro-Linguistic Programming provides a tool-box of techniques which enable people to make these changes easily and rapidly.

Maurice Kelly and Berni McGuill (See Change Partners) are accredited Family Mediators (Friarylaw), certified CMA Life Coaches and NLP Master Practitioners (Certified by Dr. Richard Bandler)* with backgrounds in Sport and Social Care respectively.

Dr. Richard Bandler* "The effectiveness of my Strategic Mind Messaging™ sessions increases significantly when combined with the augmented light and sound technology of BrainFit.

Richard Bandler, co-developer of NLP, also known as Neuro-Linguistic Programming, conducts NLP seminars, NLP workshops, and NLP training seminars internationally. He continually develops new human change technologies.

Richard Bandler's seminars & workshops include Neuro-Hypnotic Repatterning™, Design Human Engineering®, Persuasion Engineering®, Personal Enhancement, Charisma Enhancement®, Hypnosis, and others.


Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is aimed at enhancing the healing process by changing the conscious and subconscious beliefs of patients about themselves, their illnesses, and the world. These limiting beliefs are "reprogrammed" using a variety of techniques drawn from other disciplines including hypnotherapy and psychotherapy.


NLP was originally developed during the early 1970s by linguistics professor John Grinder and psychology and mathematics student Richard Bandler, both of the University of California at Santa Cruz. Studying the well-known psychotherapist Virginia Satir, the hypnotherapist Milton Erickson, the anthropologist Gregory Bateson, and others whom they considered "charismatic superstars" in their fields, Grinder and Bandler identified psychological, linguistic and behavioral characteristics that they said contributed to the greatness of these individuals.

Research and general acceptance

Although some physicians and mental health practitioners employ principles of neurolinguistic programming, the field is generally considered outside of mainstream medical practice and academic thinking.


NLP is particularly popular in the self-improvement and career-development fields, and some trainers and practitioners have little experience in its use for healing.

Neurolinguistic programming,

A complementary therapeutic strategy based on the premise that thought is a representation of sensory experience and that behavior can be modified to achieve a desired result by changing the patient's thought patterns and mental strategies to give the patient more choices in problem solving. It is used for behavior modification and the management of psychosomatic disorders and stress.

Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. © 2009, Elsevier.

© Various electronic sources

© Séafra Ó Ceallaigh an observation 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Eald is þes eorðsele under actreo ergo an old earth cell beneath an oak tree

Eald is þes eorðsele under actreo ergo an old earth cell beneath an oak tree

Ic þis giedd wrece bi me ful geomorre, minre sylfre sið. Ic þæt secgan mæg hwæt ic yrmþa gebad siþþan ic up [a]weox, niwes oþþe ealdes, no ma þonne nu; a ic wite wonn minra wræcsiþa.
Anonymous 960-990 AD

In a thousand years nothing has changed. The human condition remains the same. I live alone not through choice but by familial decree. Exiled in kinship I walk the streets alone. In sadness I sing of myself now longer accessed of neither hill nor headland in guardianship of the tribal seas. The Sun that I traverse is infinite and leads full circle far beyond the grave. Such isolation derived of stone once borne by water etched now with exhalation tormented further; fore-sworn  as inherent of sin. The hermit will succumb to those entreaties, of state, of church and contemplate 'err long into the dark and frozen light of your encapsulated dawn.

The iron fashioned by the artisan prevails in torment of this fragile assemblage of soul the exclusion of which is then made complete. The gavel strikes. The chains embrace. The deed completes. I lay down my weary head. The phantasmal at the feast.

The hallowed walls of which we speak consumed. Blue chromaticity of light. Bereft of cosmic time. Of wintered fire. Denied the ritual of life banished, silenced; the earthworm tutored in speech is then struck dumb.  However; the erstwhile maggot pristine in silvered Armor though baited on hook will demand its payment in full.

I seek out only the pagan traveler of northern waters sailed with striped cloth and tempestuous wind in search of clan devoid of ice-flow, flood and encroaching plurality.

The dark age falls upon Rome once more, banished, surplus to requirement of heaven and/or hell.   Memory at odds with tradition full circle regains balance and fortitude of renewed beginnings. The golden age of enlightenment spews forth nacreous indulgence of a truth. A truth long harbored in mind and soul albeit obscured by mist and ritual in appeasement of your chosen messiah. Freedom speaks of struggle, of tortured body, of sin, of corporeal regret; but neither of word nor deed. The gilded sword sacrosanct fired with steel to cleave the unjust without compassion is told a lie in the hands of the pilgrim.

The pilgrim in search of a truth. Innate truths fundamental to human existence denied by its prefabrication of civilization proved alien by the shadow mongers in dominance of control. The barricade has small purpose in barbed-wire, in surveillance, in soulful retreat, as the hoards amass to defend the gates of hell. I turn my achromatic hide toward the blinding Sun to endure the energies of rebirth survived of destruction and disease. Transmogrified into being by your callous thought   and misrepresentations of my progeny.

The slave market thus thrives become commodity you endure in darkness become afraid at the thought of crucifixion and will acquiesce with outstretched palms. The children have gone trafficked then as now in search of Caesars coin and its amazement.

We are told this is the way of light. That we should live in a truth. A truth not of our own making. A truth not of knowledge. A truth compiled in covert diligence of others. Beset as before and ordered to conclusion on foreign made shore. I attest my trials now confessed. The warlord thus thrives. I among them rejoice in blood, skin and bone; but not upon your wounded flesh in defense of a truth. The barbarian is remained content within on prospect of the dawn. The myriad loves made more tangible in procreation equally sired without regret. The gathering of souls, of ritual, of slaughter, of opulence, of sharing, of defense, of tribe, of life.

© Séafra Ó Ceallaigh 07 December 2012